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test engleza incepatori

You are on the beach and you see an empty blanket on which there are a few objects spread around.
You look at them and you wonder who is the person that owns these objects. And you are waiting
for it to appear...The list of objects is the following:
some chewing gum, a film, a comb, a belt bag, some car keys, a camera, a picture of two old
persons, some sun-tan lotion, a pair of headphones, a mirror, a towel, a pencil, a book, a letter
Now use your imagination. In the space given below, try to write a description of this person's life,
answering the questions:
Is this person a man or a woman? Where does he/she come from? How old is he/she? What is
his/her job? Is he/she married or single? What is he/she doing at the moment? What colour are
his/her eyes?

2. Choose one of the following topics and have a dialogue, in the space given below:

a. You are strolling downtown. Suddenly you meet an old friend of yours whom you have not seen
since you were in elementary school. You are surprised to learn that he has become a
b. You are walking down the street. Suddenly you see a friend in front of you. You run up to him
and say hello, but when he turns around you discover that he is a stranger.
c. You are a teacher in the first day of school. Present yourself in front of the class and prompt the
conversation with the students.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:

1. It (be) .................. for the first time that John and Mary ever (be)..................so late. 2. It was
not until she (say) .................."yes" that she (wonder).................. whether she (do)..................
wrong. After all, she really (not know) .................. him. 3. He asked the butler whether he (notice)
.................. anything different about his master the previous night. Jackson (reply)..................
that he (notice) .................. nothing of the kind. 4. "How long you (be) .................. with him?”
“23 years, Sir. Ever since he (start) .................. to be anything at all". 5. I told you we (have)
.................. guests at 8 o’clock and Mr. Johnson (be) .................. the first and (smoke)
.................. a lot of cigarettes.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:

Agent Cooper (wake) .................. up at 6 sharp, as he always (do) .................., no matter where
he (be).................. or what he (do) .................. the previous day. His first thought was the
realisation that he (wear).................. the pinstriped suit, and when his eyes (fall) .................. on
the reports piled around him, the events of the previous evening (come) .................. back to him.
He (go).................. to his club for supper, just (finish) .................. his turtle soup and (look)
.................. forward to the second dish, when his meal rudely (be) .................. interrupted by a
call from his superior. Once he (drink)..................his black coffee, Cooper (think) ..................
carefully what to put on. He (see) .................. M. at 9 o’clock that morning and (be) ..................
keen on impressing the latter. Glancing at himself in the mirror, it (strike) …………… him that he
(put) .................. on weight recently. He (have) .................. to pay more heed to his diet in the

5.Translate into English:

1. Copiii se joaca in parc in fiecare zi.
2. Duminica trecuta am scris cateva scrisori, apoi am ascultat un concert la radio.
3. De cand esti aici? Am venit azi dimineata si de atunci te astept.
4. - De ce nu porti ochelarii? - I-am pierdut.
5. Prietenii nostri nu vor veni in vacanta la noi.
6. Acest baiet, care s-a nascut acum, e nepotul meu. Pentru ca sa vedeti domniile voastre: eu am
avut sase fete, dintre care cea mai mare, pe care ma gandeam s-o marit dupa ginere-meu, după ce va
fi iesit dascal, s-a maritat dupa dascalul din Strantea, a doua s-a maritat dupa Mitrea lui Buduc, care
acum e ctitor la biserica, pe a treia a luat-o ginere-meu, popa din Cladeni, cele doua mai mici iata-le
aici, iara Mili s-a maritat dupa ginere-meu, protopopul, si a nascut pe acest copil, care acum e
nepotul meu. (Ioan Slavici - Budulea Taichii)

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